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Can you listen to the same song on repeat over and over again?


I'm one of those people who can listen to my favorite songs over and over again and never get tired of them. Sometimes if I really like the song I will look for a long loop so I can keep listening to it without having to restart the song over. Is there anyone here that does the same thing with their favorite songs?
Yes of course! I do this to any new song I found to be very good. I recently came across a new song by NF titled Let em Pray in his Hope Album. I have been playing the song on repeat for one week.
Yes, I can definitely listen to the same song again and again on repeat. Whenever I get a new favorite song, I keep listening to it on repeat until I get bored of it. Even while taking a shower, I listen to them on repeat.
I have been playing the new album of NF titled HOPE over and over again since I downloaded it on my Spotify. I love the way he tailors down everything about his life in his music. It gives me job listening to them.
I usually do this when I discover a song that I really like. I can play it all day, in fact I currently have one that I put on repeat. For me nothing beats a song I can relate to.
I like putting the same song on repeat when I really like it. There’s a lot of songs that i like and can put on repeat all the time.
Exactly! As long as the song is something that I really enjoy listening to, I will always put it on a repeat from time to time whenever I am in the mood of playing it.
Well, I sometimes do it. I listen to the same song over and over and I don't get tired. This is usually with the songs that are very dear to my heart. and songs I can identify myself with.
When my favorite songs were first released, I listened to them over and over throughout the whole day. Sometimes it went on for weeks. Even now my favorite playlists get played many times in a day.

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